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This student-curated exhibition for the University Art Gallery (UAG) explores illuminated manuscripts through print and digital copies, with a focus on the University of Pittsburgh’s outstanding facsimile collection. Rare and collectible books in their own right, these lavish copies are designed to reproduce the look and feel of their inaccessible models as closely as possible. In a time when most of our interactions happen online, handling and manipulating the books offered a rare experience: one rooted in the physical dynamics of the turning page. Facsimiles do not replace originals, nor do they reproduce them with perfect authenticity. Instead, they invite us in to see the books from new perspectives, to become curious, to turn the pages, and to learn.

The exhibition highlights new acquisitions in the University Library System (ULS) made possible in part from the Jewish Studies Course Development Grant.

Curated by the students of HAA1019 (Spring 2020) and HAA1022 (Fall 2020).

Supported by The Fine Foundation.

Special thanks to the University Library System (ULS) at the University of Pittsburgh, especially our colleagues in Archives & Special Collections, the Frick Fine Arts Library, the Theodore M. Finney Music Library, and in Technical Services.

A Nostalgic Filter: Online Exhibition

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